e-commerce, cyber monday, stand and stretch

Cyber Monday: Why E-Commerce is Important for Your Business

“Cyber Monday” is now apart of the common vernacular around the holidays and has equal weight as its older shopping juggernaut event day, “Black Friday.” However, that hasn’t always been the case. Yes, there was a time before Cyber Monday! The term Cyber Monday was actually coined by Ellen Davis back in 2005 before we…

Google, Google Ads, Google Feed

Google AdWords becomes Google Ads later this month

Google AdWords is ditching the Words and becoming Google Ads later this month. On July 24, changes are in store for the media giant as they rebrand and reconfigure three different products. Google AdWords will become Google Ads. DoubleClick advertiser products and Google Analytics 360 Suite will become Google Marketing Platform. DoubleClick publisher products and…

Home Office Marketing

Take Your Video Marketing Into 2018 with Facebook for Creators

Being one of the most used social media platforms, Facebook has long since developed sleek analytics and a user-friendly advertising platform to grow the marketing side of their business. Facebook Marketing is so ingrained in their social media platform that most users don’t even mind the cleverly placed snippets of information; sponsored content is a…

Email Marketing for Nonprofits: Affordable Business Tools

As a nonprofit, it’s just as important to get your information to the masses as any other business. In fact, it might be even more important. Requiring donations, word-of-mouth and volunteers who are willing and able to stay successful, nonprofits stay afloat by reaching as many people as they can. However, it’s also a task…