As a nonprofit, it’s just as important to get your information to the masses as any other business. In fact, it might be even more important. Requiring donations, word-of-mouth and volunteers who are willing and able to stay successful, nonprofits stay afloat by reaching as many people as they can. However, it’s also a task that needs to be done in an efficient manner. No more are the days of printing and mailing handouts or brochures. Now, with modern technology and an audience who regularly checks their electronic accounts, communication has become more versatile, more affordable, and readily accessible.
Which brings us to email marketing. Not only is sending out emails a quick way to reach readers, it’s affordable (no print outs or postage), and it comes with added perks. For instance, tracking who read your content and how often, as well as seeing the amount of clicks you received on any given campaign.
And when resources are limited, this comes as a very important perk. Easily adjust as needed to ensure maximum participation.
But did you know you can save precious funds while doing all of the above?
Discounts as a Nonprofit
Constant Contact offers a program that lets you save as a nonprofit. By sharing your tax exemption information, account holders can eliminate the need to pay sales tax. If you live or work in these states, you’re legally required to pay sale tax. However, nonprofit organizations are exempt. It’s a move that can save serious dollars.
In order to cash in on this discount, submit the necessary paperwork. Check out their website for a list of necessary documentation (also available over the phone), and start filing to help your nonprofit save.
Pre-Pay for the Win
Another, and even more significant discount, comes when you pre-pay. By showing your commitment to email marketing up front, you can save handsomely. While this costs more funds from the get-go, it also requires less overall. Those who sign up for six months can cut their bill by 20% and those who enlist for a year will earn 30% off. Leaving more funds for the organization itself.
This is a great opportunity to ask a single donor to pay for email marketing directly, or to put their dollars all in one place. Especially if you plan on sending out regular emails anyway — why not save while doing so?
Marketing as a Nonprofit
As previously mentioned, marketing is an important aspect of your nonprofit venture. It helps spread the word about events and ideals, and reaching as many people as quickly as possible helps your work as a whole to reach a wider base. This is also why emailing has become such an important task when marketing.
Emails reach users directly — on their own time. It’s memorable and can be re-read at any time, and you can let users sign up for the information they wish to receive. Update followers on events, where and how to donate (time or money), and most importantly, show them how their efforts are helping the cause. This positive reinforcement will encourage future involvement and get folks excited about what you’re doing.
Send out emails on a regular interval, or simply as news needs to be sent down the chain.
Best of all, we can help! Contact Stand And Stretch today to learn more about your marketing needs.
Freelance writer and editor turned SEO specialist with 10 years of professional digital writing experience. She enjoys working with clients and putting their ideas into informative content. She is also a military spouse entrepreneur advocate, volunteering, and writing in MilSpo spaces. When not working, she can be found chasing around two toddler boys.