Months ago, there was a small group of the population who worked from home, or who had their kids at home while doing so. But now, months into a pandemic, it’s almost a daily norm. Kids, even school-aged children, are learning from home – all while parents are in the next room working. It’s a scenario that makes it hard to get things done on a good day. On a hard day, well, just throw out the schedule and pick back up tomorrow.
However, with a few smart tips, you can work to make this new normal easier for everyone – parents and kids alike.
Write Out a Schedule
Everyone with a to-do list should have a daily schedule. It’s important to note that this might change – in fact, it probably will change – but having a list is the best way to start the day. It allows you to realize what needs to get done, and how you are on progress.
Next, judge that progress by items marked off, not by hours worked. In some cases, you’ll be able to accomplish much in a little amount of time. Don’t let this make you feel like you haven’t put in a “full” day if it doesn’t span a traditional eight hours.
Get an Early Start … Or a Late Finish
When kids are sleeping, you can accomplish your best work. This might mean sacrificing sleep or free time, but it can also provide less stress throughout the day. Early birds, go ahead and get up earlier than normal; night owls, continue to burn the midnight oil. And while you’re at it, allot yourself an extra coffee for the day. You’ve earned it.
Roll With the Punches
If you have a meeting and the kids are cutting up, strive on. Acknowledge it and then keep going. Now more than ever, folks are understanding about kids being at home. State that it’s happening, and then move on to continue with your workday.
Meanwhile, if the kids aren’t having it, if you have to reschedule a work task, so be it. The easier you get about rolling with the flow, the better you can rearrange and knock out what needs to be done.
Utilize Tools to Help Work Remotely
You can’t keep track of everything, and no one expects you to, either. Use whatever tools you can to help make life easier – online or old school methods. That can mean a calendar, video software, tasking out items to coworkers who are better suited. Learn ways to work smarter, not harder, until you can get to a better daily schedule scenario.
As a large portion of the population continues to work from home – with kids who are also there – new normal come into play. Use these tips to help make the work (and/or school day) easier and more enjoyable for all involved.
At Stand And Stretch, remote is our entire business model. Our team works from home — or from wherever they can find wifi — to get the work done. It’s a schedule we’ve honed and use to ours and our customers’ advantage.
To learn more about making your work life easier with Stand And Stretch’s digital services, get in touch today.
Freelance writer and editor turned SEO specialist with 10 years of professional digital writing experience. She enjoys working with clients and putting their ideas into informative content. She is also a military spouse entrepreneur advocate, volunteering, and writing in MilSpo spaces. When not working, she can be found chasing around two toddler boys.