Advertising online is an ongoing effort. It’s an area of marketing where you try and reach those closest to you — the customers who live within your service area and better yet, who are actually searching for your services. Those are the people who need you, after all, so why not shorten the process and make it easier to be found. That’s exactly what Google’s Local Services ads allows.
Think of it as a yellow page ad for the Internet. By listing your company and signing up for their local market SEO abilities, nearby searchers will see your ad. As they search for “plumber” or “website guru” or “digital marketing team,” Google takes care of the rest by filtering by location, then showing your ad to the nearest searchers.
Essentially it’s a next-level form of PPC advertising. PPC, or pay-per-click, charges you only when customers click on your ad. While this has long-since been an effective form of advertising, Google’s Local Ads is taking that approach one step further.
The Power of PPC
The proof is in Google’s ads. In 2018 alone, PPC traffic was converted 50% more than organic searches. Of all searches, 36% were for local businesses. And out of all paid ads, business owners saw an average ROI of 200% in sales and revenue.
These numbers are big … and they’re only shown to get even BIGGER.
The Need for PPC Ads in Your Small Business
By next year, click-to-call commerce is slated to reach $2 trillion, that’s doubled from its first trillion milestone in 2015. This incredible growth rate is due to customers who continue to search online and find professional services via search engine. And let’s face it, even a tiny portion of $2 trillion sounds pretty good, right?!
Telling consumers what you can do in a specific, pointed ad can help you get there that much faster.
In addition, retail sales are set to reach $4.5 trillion by 2021. These worldwide retail rates are massive!
What you Can Do for Your Business With Google Local Ads
- Reach more warm customers — find the people who are looking for you
- Upload licenses and certifications so customers immediately see qualifications
- You also get some clout with the help of Google’s guarantee — an automatic add-on when placing your first ad.
Utilize these PPC abilities to grow your online presence and add more revenue to your brand. By marketing toward the right audience, you can create more business through local channels.
Stand And Stretch Can Help With Your Digital Marketing
Unsure of where to go with Google’s new service? Stand And Stretch can help!
We can help you setup your Google Ads account, create and share ads, and manage them toward growth. With our watchful eye over your statistics, you can steadily grow PPC efforts.
Freelance writer and editor turned SEO specialist with 10 years of professional digital writing experience. She enjoys working with clients and putting their ideas into informative content. She is also a military spouse entrepreneur advocate, volunteering, and writing in MilSpo spaces. When not working, she can be found chasing around two toddler boys.