3 Easy Steps To Add Facebook Live Contributors

Facebook has been growing its reach (and its users’) in recent years with the ability to go live. Video in real-time streaming that lets users film and simultaneously post video of whatever they might be doing at the time. For personal use, this has seen entries like concerts, outdoor scenery, and more. Meanwhile, businesses have used it as a tool to share their events, speaking engagements, posting contest winners, and anything else they might need to get out to their page followers.

Not only has this ability to go live given accounts access to more viewers, complete with notifications, it’s added value by showing real-time content. And, it’s given users something to be excited about – folks can listen and see, as something is happening. It’s boosted direct sales, skyrocketed advertising abilities, and brought personal sharing to new heights.

Pretty cool, right?

But now, Facebook has taken that mantra a step further with live contributors. Meaning users who are able to host live (from their personal accounts). For business owners, this creates an entire new level of advertising, with the ability to reach the masses in real-time, and to assign trusted individuals to do so.

What This Means

Businesses can go live! And without the need to share a single log-in. Whether at company events or on outside dates, they can assign a worker or marketing team to live-share the experience. Customers can view as something is happening. In the short-run this can lead to more attendees at an event, a higher number of followers, or simply a better understanding of what brand X has to offer. While, in the long-run it can mean more sales, better customer value, and word of mouth advertising.

Additionally, live content stays on a Facebook page once it’s no longer “live,” allowing more followers to view (and re-view) the very same content.

Peace of Mind

By assigning contributor roles, you can ensure that an event will be covered. Brands can also be sure that individuals in charge are comfortable with the technology, and will show a brand in the best light possible. Assign such roles to event attendees – or grant access to your marketing company (like yours truly) to post live content and earn some great exposure for whatever might be taking place at the time.

How it’s Done

To assign your page’s live contributors, head to the page’s settings. Next, click “page roles” and choose who you’d like to have these functions. Remember that the person(s) being added must be friends with the page admin in order to be selected.

Then, look under “existing page roles” for an updated list. Here you can add or remove live contributor roles.Screen Shot 2017-05-08 at 10.59.16 AM

Going Live

Now it’s time to go live!

  1.  Open your Facebook app and click on the business page for which you are about to go live. (Side note: make sure you have the latest version of Facebook in order for the function to work.)
  1.  Create a description for your video. Here you can adjust geo controls and launch what your camera views in real-time.
  1.  Once you’re finished, choose to save or delete the video. Saving it will keep it posted to the business’s page.

Additional Perks

  • Business accounts don’t have to give admin rights to users to let them post live. This adds a level of privacy while still being able to assign various roles. (That means they can’t post aside from going live, nor can they adjust page settings.)
  • The function can be used on either iOS or Android devices.
  • While live, contributors can check out stats to see how many users are following, how they’re reacting and/or engaging, and more.

When looking to get the most out of your business’s Facebook page, going live can be a great way to bring in more viewers, and to boost engagement. Consider the live contributor role for a way to gain more content at your next big event.

We can even help you through the process! Get in touch to learn more today.


On Key

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